We are physically located in the Old Pathology Building, built in 1896 (National Register of Historic Places), at the site of the former Central State Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. This building stands as the only 19th century pathology laboratory in the United States, and holds the Indiana Medical History Museum. The building is the nation’s premier example of architecture and medical history for the nineteenth century practice of pathology, and for the pedagogy of pathology as it developed in the era of scientific medical discovery. The building itself is a forerunner to the Indiana University School of Medicine, and on a grand scale the building provides insight into the relationship between scientific discovery and medicine as it evolved through the twentieth century.
Indiana pathologists formally organized on September 26, 1933 at the French Lick Hotel in French Lick, Indiana, as the Indiana Laboratory Association. Among their objectives were facilitating discussion with each other regarding advancements and improvements in the field of pathology, the standardization of laboratory methods, and to promote the practice of scientific medicine by a wider application of clinical and public health laboratory methods." The organization originally included members with three years of post-graduate experience in laboratory sciences. Additionally, an associate level consisting of registered technicians approved by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists Board of Registry plus Honorary designees who made note-worthy contributions to the laboratory sciences made up the early membership.
In 1935, the name Indiana Association of Pathologists was adopted and the Associate level of laboratory technicians was removed.
The annual slide conference began in 1949. The conference now bears the name the IAP Spring Slide Seminar. The IAP became officially incorporated with the State of Indiana in 1957.